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Short films program for the Workmen’s Circle Shul, open to the public.Free Event Please RSVP:
Screening of films related to Fight for $15 and food justice, either followed by or interspersed with discussion
Car Wash Workers in NYC Fight to Clean-Up a Dirty Business 5 min -- Car washers - the organizing drive to bring these mostly immigrant workers into the mainstream with fair wages and benefits.
Short on the National Fight for $15. 3 minutes
Overpass Light Brigade - 7 min - lighted signs create "the people's bandwidth" in Madison, WI union fight and now all over the country.
Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast - 3 minutes Food Chain Alliance short. Reminds us of the thousands of workers involved in getting food to our tables each day.
Grace - 8 min Written by a member of 32BJ SEIU, Grace tells the precarious nature of being an undocumented immigrant in America in just 8 minutes.
Hands That Feed, Part Three - Discrimination at Work. 8 Minutes. Through excellent documentation and first hand accounts, we see how workers of color are routinely discriminated against on the job, with lower wages and worse job site conditions.
Make sure to get your ticket HERE .